Business Processes Optimization and Construction of Accounting by Responsibility Centers

  • Analysis of the Development Strategy.
  • Defining the concept for the restructuring of the company to optimize its system of operation.
  • Description of «as is» business process.
  • Creating the optimal structure of «to be» business processes.
  • Development and approval of the regulation on business processes and regulations for subdivisions on the basis of «to be» business process.
  • Structuring of the company (holding) activities by functions, for which performance targets are set out - responsibility centers are allocated.
  • Definition for each selected responsibility center of an indicator or set of indicators for which its director will be responsible.
  • Development for each responsibility center of a budgeting form and identification of an algorithm for calculation of its constituent both planned and actual indicators.
  • Establishing rules for interaction of the budget process participants at planning, execution, monitoring, recording and analysis of the implementation of planned targets.
  • Implementation of the connection between the motivation system and established indicators of heads of responsibility centers.
  • Implementation of budgeting procedures, including automation of planning, accounting, monitoring and analysis.


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Olexandr Nychyporuk

Olexandr Nichiporuk

Consulting Partner
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