CRM / ERP Systems Implementation

Business and profit growth are the goal of each organization. There are more and more processes, orders and employees, and micromanage is getting harder. Deadlines are missed, quality suffers, something gets lost in the process... and at that moment, the manager realizes that it’s time —time for automating business processes. The modern CRM and ERP systems that are available today in all possible variants, with differences in content and cost, help in it.

Depending on the needs of your business, you can choose a ready-made system, and order implementation of additional functions to extend the capabilities of an automated system that will focus on your company’s goals.

CRM systems differ functionally from ERP systems in their ideology and original mission they perform in standard way. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between these two systems.

What is CRM system?

CRM-system is a software that helps automate work with clients and obtain relevant analysis. This system helps to streamline and structure work with current and potential customers.

Tasks of CRM-systems:

  • building and maintaining a customer database
  • automating working process with customer database (mail, telephone, social networks, fixing and meeting reminders, paperwork)
  • providing a workspace for employees to manage information and their own tasks
  • supervising managers’ performance
  • developing analytics and reports on necessary indicators

CRM-systems or specialized CRM-modules are necessary for all companies whose activities involve the sale of goods and services.

The basic CRM functionality:

  • Sales Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Automation of the loyalty program
  • Management of the call center

What is ERP system?

ERP system is an integral system for managing all the company’s main resources, such as finance, sales, production, planning and project activities. These systems are aimed at optimizing the organization’s costs and resources.

Tasks of ERP-systems:

  • optimization of business processes
  • management of all company resources
  • workflow management
  • management of effective planning
  • management of financial flows through optimized accounting
  • project management, including stage and resource planning

ERP systems in Ukraine are chosen by both manufacturing and distribution companies, as the systems offer an integrated approach to building a business model of an organization.

The main functions of such systems are:

  • Management and administration of the company
  • Financial management
  • Production and inventory management
  • Project and resource management
  • Procurement management
  • Human Resources management

When choosing an automated system, it is important to define the company’s main business objectives. This will help to make the right focus on the product. If you need a package solution, you can always choose a software product that can ensure the availability of a full cycle of functionality and maximum coverage of the company's requirements.

Details of our services when choosing an automated system are here.

Approach BDO in Ukraine team when implementing CRM / ERP systems includes 7 stages

 Implementing CRM / ERP systems


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Olexandr Nychyporuk

Olexandr Nichiporuk

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