Tax Compliance

Tax Compliance


This service includes the preparation of the necessary tax records, as well as the preparation and filing tax returns as detailed below.

  • Issue of VAT invoices to customers and verification of VAT invoices received from suppliers;
  • Communication with suppliers for timely delivery of VAT invoices, as well as the correctness of their content;
  • Preparation of VAT invoices register and its submission to the tax office;
  • Preparation and filing of monthly VAT returns;
  • Preparation and filing of the corporate income tax return (as alternative – based on accounting data/primary documents received from the customer);
  • Provision of the detailed breakdown to the corporate income tax return, based on financial accounting data;
  • Analysis of expenses in the entity’s books for their deductibility;
  • Tax depreciation calculation;
  • Discussion with the customer of main amounts in the tax returns, as well as potential tax risks/exposures and ways of eliminate/minimize the exposures;
  • Periodic review of the correctness of tax filings prepared by the customer’s staff;
  • Preparation and filing of other tax returns;
  • Communication with the tax office on issues relating to the past tax returns;
  • Reconciliation between financial and tax accounting data including identification of permanent and temporary differences.
  • Control over the timeliness of filing the tax returns and payment of taxes and duties to the state;
  • Notifying the customer about the tax law changes that may significantly affect its business.


Key Contact

Viktor Nevmerzhitsky

Viktor Nevmerzhitsky

Tax Partner
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