Ukraine's Global Rankings and Indices

Ukraine's Global Rankings and Indices

To make it easier to decide about investing in Ukraine's economy, we offer you to familiarize with some ratings that partially represent the country's institutional and investment environment. 

Index of Economic Freedom 

The Heritage Foundation’s annual Index of Economic Freedom measure economic freedom based on 12 quantitative and qualitative factors, grouped into four broad categories, or pillars, of economic freedom:

  • Rule of Law (property rights, government integrity, judicial effectiveness);
  • Government Size (government spending, tax burden, fiscal health);
  • Regulatory Efficiency (business freedom, labor freedom, monetary freedom); and
  • Open Markets (trade freedom, investment freedom, financial freedom).

Each of the twelve economic freedoms within these categories is graded on a scale of 0 to 100. A country’s overall score is derived by averaging these twelve economic freedoms.

According to the report for 2022 (in 2023-2024, the index was not calculated for Ukraine), Ukraine has an indicator of 54.1 and occupies the position of a country with a largely unfree economy. Ukraine's economy is considered "free" or "mostly free" in terms of tax burden, trade freedom, fiscal health, and monetary freedom.

Index of Economic Freedom in Ukraine

Index of Economic Freedom in Ukraine  

Corruption Perceptions Index

Ukraine scored 36 points out of 100 in the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). Ukraine ranks 104th out of 180 countries. Ukraine's growth by 3 points is one of the best results over the past year in the world. Ukraine is also one of the 17 countries in this year's CPI that have shown their best performance ever.

Since the Revolution of Dignity and the beginning of a major reform, Ukraine has scored a total of 11 points over the past 10 years. The active work of anti-corruption and other public authorities resulted in a growth in the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index even during the full-scale.

Corruption Perceptions Index

The Global Innovation Index 

The Global Innovation Index (GII) takes the pulse of innovation against a background of an economic and geopolitical environment fraught with uncertainty. It reveals the most innovative economies in the world, ranking the innovation performance of around 132 economies while highlighting innovation strengths and weaknesses.

Envisioned to capture as complete a picture of innovation as possible, the Index comprises around 80 indicators, including measures on the political environment, education, infrastructure and knowledge creation of each economy.

In 2023, Ukraine had the best positions in the indicators “creative outputs” - 37th place in the ranking, “knowledge and technology outputs” - 45th place in the ranking, “human capital and research” - 47th place.

The Global Innovation Index (GII)

The Global Innovation Index (GII)

Index of digital transformation of Ukrainian regions

The Index of Digital Transformation of Ukrainian Regions is one of the tools for measuring the processes of informatization and digitalization in 24 regions, allows to study the capacity of authorities to make digital decisions, and determines the level of digital culture among citizens.

The index contains 8 main blocks: Institutional Capacity; Internet Development; ASC Development; Implementation of the Paperless Regime; Digital Education; Regional Business Card; Penetration of Basic Electronic Services; Sectoral Digital Transformation.

According to the results of the 2023 study, the average score of the Index is 0.632 points out of a possible 1.

Index of digital transformation of Ukrainian regions

The highest scores are observed in such sub-indices as Paperless Regime [0.697], Institutional Capacity [0.678], and Penetration of Basic eServices [0.666]. The lowest score was achieved in the Sectoral Digital Transformation sub-index [0.560], indicating the need to strengthen work in the areas of cybersecurity, healthcare, and civil protection.