Investment Opportunities Map of Ukraine

Investment Opportunities Map of Ukraine

European Business Association and Global Business for Ukraine, together with Ukraine Invest, launched a Map of investment and business opportunities in Ukraine

An innovative interactive tool designed to assist potential investors in exploring the vast array of investment opportunities available across different regions of Ukraine. This powerful platform provides comprehensive information on each opportunity, enabling investors to make informed decisions based on their interests and preferences. Additionally, users have the option to express their interest in a particular project by submitting a request through the platform.

The investment map showcases detailed insights into every region of Ukraine, encompassing essential factors such as size, population, taxation regulations, educational institutions, abundant natural resources, and thriving industries.

Projects featured on the map are conveniently categorized based on either region or industry, allowing users to effortlessly navigate through their preferred sectors of interest. Each project description includes vital details such as the initiator, current status, precise location, investment opportunity, required investment amount, as well as specific goals and deadlines.

We are proud to announce that representatives from BDO in Ukraine actively participate in the Advisory Board responsible for meticulously selecting projects for placement on the map. This ensures that only the most promising and high-potential opportunities are showcased, providing investors with a reliable and credible resource.

As a comprehensive and user-friendly starting point for potential investors, this interactive map serves as a gateway to unlocking the vast investment potential in Ukraine. 

Investment Map of Ukraine