ACCA DipIFR Diploma


Finance experts are very often required to confirm their qualifications in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and sometimes also to gain proficiency within a limited time period.

АССА DipIFR means an opportunity to upgrade your knowledge of IFRS. The Diploma combines the theory of the underlying principles and concepts and the practice of IFRS.

Exam preparation and exam itself, can take 3-6 months to complete. The АССА Diploma in the International Financial Reporting is in demand in Ukraine. Training for ACCA exam preparation and exam taking  is therefore in such high demand nationally, as is the DipIFR. DipIFR holders, who have registered for the course of Full International ACCA Qualification, automatically receive credit for the F7 “Financial Reporting” exam. Students upon successful completion of the exam, receive their e-diploma. They provide the address when registering for the ACCA IFRS training programme.

This course will be useful for finance experts like auditors, accountants, financial controllers, etc. The syllabus of this course contains modules for effectively presenting financial information about the business. Such orientation has positive impact on investment attraction and long-term financial cooperation. АССА DipIFR  course will be useful for experts in accounting and finance. This course enables you to master IFRS and become a holder of the international diploma. The ACCA DipIFR can be obtained after passing the exam.

It should be noted that the exam requirements are similar to “the F7 — Financial Reporting (International Stream)” in full ACCA qualification (language: English).

The students of the course have the following skills, after completing the programme:

  • Practical implementation of the principles of international financial reporting regulation;
  • Practical implementation of the required international standards in relation to important elements of financial reporting;
  • Practical implementation of disclosure requirements in the preparation of financial statements and notes;
  • Preparation of financial statements of different companies and application of IFRS and other regulations;
  • Practical preparation of financial statements of group of companies (cash flow statements of a group are not included) containing associates and joint ventures or subsidiaries.

Programme syllabus:

  • Full-time classes
  • Self-study for classes
  • Exam: test yourself


  • Programme guide
  • Handbook (+ questions and answers from previous exams)
  • Previous exams
  • Self-study programme

Exam requirements for candidates:

  • relevant education
  • 2-3 years' experience in auditing and accounting
  • ACCA Affiliate qualification
  • АССА Certificate in International Financial Reporting

Read more about DipIFR Exam   

  • Exam duration: 3 hours
  • Session: June, December
  • Minimum score to pass the exam: 50%
  • Exam includes 2 sections

It should be noted that the exam tests the calculation and analytical skills of students. The exam contains not only questions, but case studies as well. Section A consists of one task, through which the calculation skills are tested. Section B consists of several calculation and descriptive questions.

Total: 100 scores.

Section A contains one question on consolidated statements, as well as questions on adjustments to separate statements of a company: 40 scores. Section B contains 3 mandatory IFRS questions (20 scores for each correct answer) — 60 scores.

The exam tests students' knowledge of all sections of the syllabus, thanks to the questions. It is therefore necessary to complete all questions of the exam.

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Iryna Knyzhnikova

Iryna Knyzhnikova

Head of BDO Academy
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