Tax Due Diligence

Tax Due Diligence

Experience of BDO in Ukraine has shown that the identification of potential tax risks can have a profound effect on the market value of the company to be acquired.  

Tax Due Diligence (DD) is an analysis of important tax aspects of business, performed prior to the acquisition of shares in a company or shares in the authorized capital.
Why is Tax Due Diligence needed? 

The objective of this Due Diligence type is to identify significant tax risks, including the company's tax liabilities and possible claims from the tax authorities, with their monetary assessment and the recommendations to minimize them. This procedure allows you to consider the identified tax risks in the transaction price. 


Read about when Due Diligence services are necessary 


Tax Due Diligence of BDO in Ukraine includes: 
  • Reviewing timeliness of filing tax returns and payment of tax liabilities
  • Reviewing correctness of the tax returns
  • Reviewing applicable tax rates, tax benefits and exemptions
  • Analysis of the results of complex and other inspections by the tax authorities
  • Analysis of existing disputes with the tax authorities
  • Evaluation of monetary value of detected tax risks and recommendations development for their elimination
  • Confirmation of tax losses and VAT credit 


The experts of BDO in Ukraine provide their report that includes a description and monetary value of the revealed tax risks.

Please contact the experts of BDO in Ukraine to order a consultation and to clarify the price of Tax Due Diligence service for business. 


Key Contact

Viktor Nevmerzhitsky

Viktor Nevmerzhitsky

Tax Partner
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