Victoria Sukhanenko
What is OHSMS? Why to develop and implement OHSMS?
OHSMS is a set of policies, procedures and practices aimed at preventing or reducing work-related injuries and illnesses and at continuously improving the health and safety performance of an organization. OHSMS helps an organization to identify and control health and safety risks, comply with legal and other requirements, and set health and safety goals and objectives.
The development and implementation of OHSMS offers several benefits to an organization, such as:
- Reduced human and financial costs from work-related accidents and illnesses
- Improved reputation and public image of the organization among customers, suppliers, regulators and stakeholders
- Increased morale and productivity of employees and managers
- Creation of a positive health and safety culture that fosters trust and cooperation
- Facilitated compliance with legal and other obligations
- Support of the organization in achieving its health and safety goals and objectives.
How can BDO in Ukraine help you develop and implement OHSMS?
The development and implementation of an occupational health and safety management system by BDO in Ukraine is a systematic and ongoing process that includes the following stages:
- Planning of OHSMS, including the identification of hazards and risks, setting goals and objectives, and defining roles and responsibilities
- Developing a health and safety policy and management responsibilities
- Implementing OHSMS, including providing resources, training, communication and documentation
- Monitoring and measuring OHSMS, including conducting audits, reviews and investigations, and collecting and analyzing data
- Reviewing and improving OHSMS, including assessing effectiveness, identifying gaps and opportunities, and implementing corrective and preventive measures.
Each stage of OHSMS process should be documented, reviewed and regularly updated to ensure its effectiveness and suitability. OHSMS should also be aligned with the organization's vision, mission, values and strategies, and involve the participation and consultation of all relevant parties, such as employees, managers, contractors, suppliers, customers and regulators.
How can I contact BDO in Ukraine for advice on occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS)?
Contact us if you are interested in occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) advice from BDO in Ukraine
We will help you with your OHSMS.
Key Contacts
Andrii Borenkov