Consultations on HSE Management System

The Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Management System encompasses a set of policies, procedures, and practices designed to ensure the well-being of employees, clients, and stakeholders, as well as the environmental protection. BDO in Ukraine serves as a beacon of excellence in consulting for occupational health and industrial safety, offering the rich experience, a dedicated team of experienced consultants, and a commitment to enhancing safety standards within your organization.

Why are consultations on the occupational health and safety management system necessary?

Consultations on the occupational health and industrial safety management system will assist with the following:

  • Ensuring compliance: Adherence to legislative and regulatory requirements in the industry and country.
  • Reducing costs and risks: Decreasing costs and risks associated with accidents, injuries, illnesses, and environmental impact.
  • Enhancing reputation: Improving reputation and client satisfaction by demonstrating commitment to occupational health, safety standards, and best practices.
  • Operational efficiency: Increasing operational efficiency and productivity by optimizing resources and processes.
  • Competitive advantages: Gaining a competitive edge and access to new markets and opportunities by meeting expectations of stakeholders and partners.

Consultations on the HSE (Health, Safety, Environment) Management System

BDO in Ukraine is proud of our team of experienced and qualified consultants with over 20 years of outstanding, strategic, and operational expertise, combined with deep knowledge of occupational health and safety and environmental management. BDO in Ukraine is ready to assist in managing occupational health and industrial safety, offering:

  • Efficiency assessment: Evaluation of workplace safety and health (WSH), assessment of the occupational health and safety management system at the enterprise (OHSMS).
  • Audit and monitoring: Conducting HSE audits to identify potential risks and enhance HSE management systems.
  • Training programs: Organizing training sessions by recognized experts in safety culture, risk management, and other aspects of HSE.
  • HSE Management System development: Developing and implementing an occupational health and safety management system that aligns with the business needs and goals.

Contact BDO in Ukraine for consultations on occupational health and industrial safety management.

If you are interested in consultations on occupational health and industrial safety management, please contact us for a detailed discussion.

BDO in Ukraine is your strategic partner for improving standards in occupational health, industrial safety, and achieving success in business.

Key Contacts

Victoria Sukhanenko

Victoria Sukhanenko

Head of Advisory on Occupational Health & Safety
View bio
Andrii Borenkov

Andrii Borenkov

Partner, Head of Advisory
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