IFRS Fundamentals Training


Training for executives, senior and middle managers, other specialists in financial and accounting services of organizations, consultants and financial analysts, as well as those who do not have special accounting education, but who want to improve their skills in IFRS.

Objective the training: to provide basic knowledge of IFRS — the basic principles, concepts, goals and objectives in preparing reports.

After training you will:

  • be guided by International Financial Reporting Standards;
  • know the IFRS principles;
  • find the main differences in the reporting prepared in accordance with IFRS and NAS of Ukraine;
  • read IFRS financial statements.

You will receive:

  • accessible and clear educational and methodical material;
  • a casebook and tests to consolidate skills;
  • BDO Academy's certificate of completion.


  1. What is financial reporting? Parties interested in it?
  2. Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Accounting". Consequences for those who are "obliged".
  3. IFRS: what is it? The set of reports is the same — what are the fundamental differences?
  4. Balance sheet in accordance with IFRS. What we own and to whom we owe.
  5. Statement of comprehensive income in accordance with IFRS. Where is our profit?
  6. General algorithm of actions for the organization of transition to IFRS.
  7. Rules for transition to the new standard.


If you have any questions, please call +38 095 310 17 82 (WhatsApp, Viber) or write to: academy@bdo.ua


Key Contact

Iryna Knyzhnikova

Iryna Knyzhnikova

Head of BDO Academy
View bio