Moving to the Cloud

Cloud migration is one of the most important decisions for a company these days. Сloud services enable your company to securely store a vast amount of information and your keep IT infrastructure at a reasonable price, granting an access to all the resources you need from anywhere in the world.

Professionals of BDO in Ukraine will help your business to: transfer server capacities and employees’ data to a protected cloud, set up truly efficient remote working process, strengthen overall company's cybersecurity level

Our approach and scope involve:

Initial analysis of the infrastructure condition and provision of recommendations on potential migration to the cloud in the frame of general digital transformation,

Servers’ migration / replication to the Microsoft Azure cloud or Western hosting with secure employees’ access through VPN,

Implementation of powerful tools for remote collaboration and cloud storage / synchronization based on Microsoft 365 (Office 365, Exchange Online, Teams, OneDrive and SharePoint) for your employees,

Conduction of all the necessary training sessions for employees,
Analysis of current cybersecurity level and development of recommendations on its improvement

Leaflet “Moving to the Cloud is the Most Important Step in Digital Transformation of Your Business”

Key Contact

Andrii Borenkov

Andrii Borenkov

Partner, Head of Advisory
View bio