Sergiy Balchenko
A team of qualified experts of BDO in Ukraine performs an independent audit of financial statements that comprehensively and effectively makes the company's management confident and financial statements trustworthy to the stakeholders.
Audit of financial statements is an audit of the financial statements of a company, the results of which generate an audit report that confirms the accuracy of the presentation of the company's financial statements.
Audit from BDO Ukraine is performed under the International Standards on Auditing (ISA). ISA are strict professional requirements. We also greatly assist in identifying potential business risks, and areas to boost your business.
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine amended the Law No. 2164-VIII "On Accounting and Financial Reporting in Ukraine" on October 5, 2017, under which preparation of the IFRS statements is statutory and submission of the statements together with the independent auditor's report by Ukrainian companies that meet the following criteria:
Public interest entities:
Large entities are entities (which do not meet the criteria for medium-sized entities) whose indicators, as of the date of preparation of the annual financial statements for the year preceding the reporting year, meet at least two of the following criteria:
Public joint-stock companies
Entities operating in the extractive industries
Entities performing economic activities by types listed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
The Law of Ukraine No. 466-ix “On amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding improvement of tax administration, elimination of technical and logical inconsistencies in tax legislation” has amended the section of income tax reporting in paragraph 46.2 of Art. 46 of the TCU on January 16, 2020. The amendments made mean that income tax payers under the law "On accounting and financial reporting in Ukraine", together with tax return must submit annual financial statements to the State Tax Service with an audit report.
Please note that financial statements are an integral part of the income tax return. An income tax return is "not in compliance with requirements" without an audit report, an important attachment.
We also remind you that except for the existing requirements of subparagraph 39.4.6. paragraph 39.4 of Art. 39 of TCU to the meaning of TP documentation (transfer pricing), — a taxpayer also must submit an auditor's report on a taxpayer's accounting (financial) reporting for reporting period(-s), for which TP documentation is submitted (when it is obligatory for a taxpayer).
It is quite obvious that the measures, taken by the state to restrain the spread of coronavirus in Ukraine, have led to additional difficulties in doing business and significantly increased economic uncertainty. All of these factors influenced the financial statements.
In the current situation, BDO in Ukraine offers the services of experts-methodologists team to develop recommendations on how properly record COVID-19 pandemic impact in audit reports.
If you need more information or want to order an Audit of financial statements from BDO Ukraine — contact us, the consultation is free.
Sergiy Balchenko
Sergiy Shtantsel
Olexandr Nikolayenko
Vadym Chernovol
Liliya Chernysh
Oleg Malashchuk
Olena Mukvich
Svitlana Maslova
Fedir Ushakov