BDO Consulting LLC continues to provide ongoing training for auditors

BDO Consulting LLC has successfully undergone requalification of entities that can conduct educational activities in accordance with the Procedure for Continuing Professional Training of Auditors, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated July 06, 2020, No. 400.
This is reported in the Decision of the APOBU Certification Commission dated November 23, 2023, No. 5.1/14/55.

BDO Academy is the educational direction of BDO Consulting LLC that has been conducting professional training for finance professionals for many years. Course and training participants acquire practical knowledge in accounting, financial analysis, auditing, and international financial reporting standards, for which they receive corresponding certificates confirming the completion of continuous professional education programs for auditors.

To get acquainted with the current training programs, please visit the BDO Academy page and complete the training in a timely manner. Among the upcoming events, we recommend attending the “New lessee accounting - IFRS 16 Leases” training, which will be held on December 19.
Trust your development to professionals and the result will not be long in coming!

Key Contact

Iryna Knyzhnikova

Iryna Knyzhnikova

Head of BDO Academy
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