6 Ways the Cloud Enables Better Business Outcomes

In our prior insights, we’ve summarized how the cloud is more secure and provided a checklist to make sure that you’re getting the most value from your cloud services.

Now we want to highlight the 6 reasons that the cloud helps your accelerate your business outcomes. All of the global cloud providers are delivering their innovations into their cloud technology so to leverage these innovations and achieve the business outcomes we want to highlight these 6 reasons:

In case you’re still not convinced that moving your data from an on-premises environment to the cloud is better, here are 6 reasons that the cloud enables better business outcomes.

1. Functionally infinite resources

The public cloud is a tremendously powerful tool. The giants like Amazon, Microsoft and Salesforce have capacity that most IT admins can only dream of. For many, it seems infinite. When you run out of resources on-prem, you have wait for more to arrive and pay for your new hardware as a capital expenditure. In the cloud, you pay for what you use. With autoscaling, your deployment grows with your needs.

2. Data Visualization

The cloud gives you fast and easy access to your organization’s data allowing for a view of your virtual infrastructure that can be accessed remotely from anywhere. Power BI is the data visualization piece of Microsoft’s cloud platform, Azure, and can be integrated with your cost data to visually illustrate your cloud usage and spend. Virtualization allows you to see the broader pool of resources that your company has and add and remove directly from it.

3. Metadata tagging

IT departments frequently struggle with allocating resources to support new initiatives after they have already provisioned their resources for a given year. By using the cloud’s metadata tagging capabilities, your organization can reduce the need for additional staff. Metadata tagging allows you to allocate resources to different workloads by using a rules-based environment to attach metatags to each service.

4. Microservices

The cloud offers superior speed, agility and the ability to choose a resource quickly by enabling new architecture. Microservices are an application of loosely coupled services that are fine-grained, lightweight and modular. They can be used for container virtualization and to activate infrastructure as code.

5. Speedy Deployment

Cloud services can be accessed pretty much instantly from anywhere with an internet connection. One of the great promises of the cloud is its agility. You no longer have to wait for hardware. If you run out of capacity, you can procure more instantly through a provider’s web portal. Speed is the name of the game.

6. Access to new features

Have you ever wanted to explore quantum computingblockchain, or the Internet of Things? Cloud services have incorporated all kinds of new technology into an ever-widening catalogue of services that can be accessed with the click of a button. With these new services and a pay-as-you-go model, it is more feasible than ever to deploy new, exciting, innovative technology in any environment.

To accelerate your business outcomes, the next step in your journey is to assess your current business goals and we can align solutions to help you achieve them.

Where are you at in your cloud journey, and how we help accelerate the next steps?


Source: BDO Digital