

In an era, when the success of most companies greatly depends on technologies, — IT audit is becoming an increasingly popular service that helps companies manage and respond to risks in a timely manner. Modern managers, more than eve, perform IT infrastructure audit of a company both to assess IT processes quality  and to add value to the whole company.

Information security audit is a comprehensive review of IT infrastructure of a company.
IT-audit services from BDO in Ukraine

Experts of BDO in Ukraine provide IT audit services to have an independent and objective assessment of a company's IT system, namely:


A comprehensive IT audit allows to assess the compliance of a company's IT processes with business goals. During IT audit, our auditors assess effectiveness of company's IT controls to ensure they are effective to guarantee availability, confidentiality, and integrity of critical business processes and data.


IT audit objectives:
  1. Assessment of current information security systems and processes that ensure security of a company's data.
  2. Determination of potential risks for the company's information assets and identifying the ways to minimize these risks.
  3. Compliance audit of information security management processes under regulatory, legislative requirements and international standards in IT.
  4. Determination of inefficiency of IT systems and related management.
  5. Penetration testing to determine security level of a company.


Why do you need IT audit?

Many companies spend a lot of money on information technology, forgetting about cybersecurity risks. To mitigate these risks, it is not enough just to buy one solution. It is required to structure a cyber defense strategy by creating a set of internal IT controls that include not only technical aspects, but also structural and administrative ones. 

An information security review is extremely important for any business, as it allows you to make sure that IT systems and processes "go hand-in-hand" with information security systems and processes, based on the world's best practices and standards to minimize business risks.  


Another reason why you need to consider performing IT audit by the experts of BDO Ukraine (as IT audit can boost a business strategy or plan), is that it is cost-effective. It allows to determine exactly what services are required and which are not. Furthermore, the technologies used are developing quickly, and audit of IT infrastructure of a company allows to determine outdated systems and tools that are subject to updating or a reason to start using more modern IT products, that is required to improve critical business processes.



IT team of BDO in Ukraine has experts from various industries, including experienced advisors in IT, cybersecurity and data confidentiality, as well as IT auditors.

Our services are provided by certified (CISA certificates) experts, who apply international standards in IT audit and effective tools.


If you need more information or want to order IT audit services, please contact experts of BDO in Ukraine.